One of my favorite times of the year is coming up, New Year's Day. We reserve this day to make new business goals. I love having a vision!
As we meet more and more amazing makers, we are becoming more cognizant of how people measure success. It's critical to set your own parameters for success. Without an internal success compass, one can wander aimlessly. Plus, if you can't define success for yourself, others are happy to define it for you.
in addition, makers are on business for the love of making. The selling process is a by-product. Yet, how often do we measure our success in business terms?
The view from our porch is a great place to have clear vision on a sunny day!
So grab some coffee, a chair, and a notebook, honey! We are going to dream up some fun goals. If any of our Flathead area makers need to borrow our kitchen table and view for their planning, I will provide the coffee or hot cocoa.