Well here we go....another Sadie bag made! This time, it was a custom order very much to our liking; a Hair-on-hide 'Sadie'. Now I was especially excited for this undertaking. I had tried to make a very similar bag in hair-on-hide in the past before I came up with the 'Sadie" design. It would collapse and needed reinforcement. I ended up lining it with leather that was much thicker than lining leather and make an overpriced product which made a beautiful bag but if I was going to do a bag like that again I needed to purchase lining leather. So when we were contacted to make a 'Sadie' in Hair-on-hide I knew I would have a chance again. Ben and I immediately picked out and ordered some liner. Once it arrived on our doorstep I took it inside and went straight to work cutting it out. There was a significant amount more stitching on this bag. And if you know anything about Beargrass Leather, you know we pride ourselves in our hand stitching. No shortcuts. No machines. This was a lot of work, but so rewarding. I was very pleased with the end result.
As I was putting the final touches on it there was a car sitting across the road that I really wanted to photograph it with. It was a vintage chocolate brown fiat convertible which seems all to appropriate for our client whom comes from this countries birthplace of automobiles: Michigan. To my dismay the car left when I wasn't looking. So I'll just let you imagine this bag sitting on the passenger seat while you drive down highway 93 looking out over Flathead Lake with the wind in your hair.
Sadie Bag in Hair-on-Hide and Chocolate Essex by Beargrass Leather